FXR Barnett Speedometer Cables 40"-54"
FXR Barnett Speedometer Cables 40"-54"
We got with our friends at Barnett Cables and Clutches, who have been Making Their Parts IN THE USA since 1948, to have CUSTOM FXR Speedometer Cables made to fit the FXR Speedometer Drive on your front wheel !!!
Whether replacing that worn-out OEM cable or running a tall T Bar or Riser Set Up we have the length to fit your needs.
High Quality Black Vinyl over Steel Encased Speedometer cables feature chrome ends and come with a 16mm Speedometer Nut and are available in the STOCK cable length of 40” all the way up to 52” !!!
When In Doubt…Measure it Out… Measured length is end-to-end of outer casing, including metal casing ends… use this information to figure out what length will work best with your current application.
*** While we do our best to have these cables IN STOCK… anything over STOCK Length is a Custom Length Cable from Barnett… therefore it may take a few additional days for your order to ship, if that cable is not in our shop***